Opening hours and ticket prices for Antikmässan

is arranged at Stockholmsmässan 6–9 March 2025. Parallel to the Antikmässan, Allt för Sjön goes. The fairs have the same opening hours and your entrance ticket is valid for both.

Thursday, March 6th 11.00 – 19.00
Friday, March 7th at 11.00 – 19.00
Saturday, March 8th 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday, March 9th 10.00 – 17.00


Save time money – buy your ticket in advance! Spring tickets will be released later this fall.

Benefits when you buy a ticket online

We strongly recommend that you pre-purchase your ticket online. Everything to make your entrance as smooth as possible and give you more time at the fair. Moreover, when you buy your ticket in advance, it is often cheaper because you can take advantage of any offers.

How does it work?

You will receive your pre-purchased ticket by email and can then choose to either print it or show it directly from your phone at the entrance. You can buy tickets online at any time, both before and during the fair.

If you are in a wheelchair, you are admitted free of charge, together with any accompanying person. In the case of other disabilities, the user pays and the companion enters free of charge with a companion card.